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Initiate of the sevenfold veil 3.5

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These seven hierarchies are veiled by the Rays, but each is found behind the veil of every ray, for in their totality they are the informing lives of every planetary scheme within the system they are the life of all interplanetary space, and the existences who are expressing themselves through the planetoids, and all forms of lesser independent life than a planet.

The deva substance is also dual, for the evolutionary devas are the positive energy of the atom, cell or subhuman form, for instance, while the electrons or lesser lives within the form are negative. But within each Ray and each Hierarchy in this system a dual force again will be found. The Hierarchies are the negative aspect as far as the Rays are concerned and are responsive to Ray impulse. Let us bear carefully in mind, that the Rays are the positive aspect in manifestation and pass down into negative matter, deva or hierarchical substance, thus causing certain evidences of activity. Twelve is the number of completed work, as witness the twelve labors of Hercules, another Son of God. The Secret Doctrine says that: It is on the Hierarchies and the correct number of these Entities that the mystery of the universe is built.